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  1. Easter tips from your garden statue

    Easter tips from your garden statue

    “I stand firm in all weathers and require nothing of you but, if you listen carefully, your garden statue has a few tips that may help your green fingers.

    A lovely long weekend is upon us and despite baking sunshine and snow in Scotland, I know that you will want to join me in the garden. Did you know that April is the time when orchids are at their peak?  It is also the perfect time to plant lavender and give your garden a bouquet that the bees will love. Don’t forget – lavender is available in pink and white as well as shades of blue and purple.

    Moss may not grow on a rolling stone but it certainly does on your lawn. There are some good brands of moss killer available and although the moss will turn black in its death throes, you’ll soon be able to pulls it out and plant fresh lawn seeds with a mix of compost.  Of course, if you want to avoid the pigeons enjoying a good meal at your expense, cover the area with netting or twigs.

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  2. Spring tips from your garden statue

    Spring tips from your garden statue

    “I stand firm in all weathers and require nothing of you but, if you listen carefully, your garden statue has a few tips that may help your green fingers.

    The sun is shining and the grass needs mowing; if there are a few balding areas, now is the time to sow, especially for people living in the south and west. If you have a water-butt and a small water pump, you can enjoy a verdant lawn without a conscience.

    The cost of supermarket food is sky high and there are plenty of root vegetables that can withstand a cold patch of weather, so now is the time to plant your garden peas, carrots, radishes, broad beans, leeks and parsnips.  Don’t forget to label them and if you tie a piece of string between two sticks, you’ll sow in a straight line. If you would like to plant potatoes, there are some early types that grow well if planted at least the depth of a trowel.

    Remember to water.

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